Friday, December 7, 2012



In class for the past couple of days we have questioned on Whose responsibility is it to make sure the public knows about important scientific findings? For example: Reasearchers, Journalists, Public, Government.

 So I have a found some information and I believe that the Government is responsible to make sure that the public knows about important scientific findings. The reason is the Government has to check if the information about to be sent to the public is accurate and important enought to tell them." was launched in December 2002 providing for the first time wide public access and unified search of the government's vast scores of scientific and technical information." The media the Government use is , Eureka new results related to your search terms and Wikipedia results related to your search terms.

In conclusion the Government is more responsibility because people rather hear information from them, because they protect and support our country and the citizens in it everyday they can. Also because the Government gives  information needs to science professionals, students, teachers and the business community.


  1. i agree f what you are saying you made me have and second thought of me thinking journalist are responsible of get the important information out in the media.

  2. I thought it was the goverment but then I changed my mind. But is still doesn't really tell me that it is the goverments responbsliblty. But I love your blog posts and pictures! Very nice!

  3. I agree with your statement and you also make me change my mind about the government communicating us about science because as you say the Government is more responsibility because people rather hear information from them, because they protect us and support our country and the citizens in it every way they can.
